Sukkot Schedule 5785/2024
Click HERE to RSVP for Sukkot Meals
Sukkot Part One, Sunday, October 13 - Tuesday, October 15
Wednesday, October 16 :
5:53pm: Candle Lighting
6:00pm: Mincha followed by Maariv
Thirsday, October 17
10:00am: Shachris
6:15pm: Mincha followed by Maariv
6:53pm: Candle Lighting
Click HERE to RSVP for Shabbat Meals
Friday, October 18:
10:00am: Shachris
6:15pm: Mincha followed by Maariv
6:51pm: Yom Tov Ends
Shabbat, October 19:
9:30am: Shachris
6:00pm: Mincha
6:45pm: Maariv, Shabbats Ends
Sunday , October 20:
10:00am: Shachris
6:15pm: Mincha followed by Maariv
6:53pm: Candle Lighting
Monday , October 21:
9:30am: Shachris
6:00pm: Mincha
6:45pm: Maariv, Shabbats Ends
Sukkot Part Two, Sunday, October 23 - Tuesday, October 25 :
Click HERE to RSVP for Meals
Schedule for Shmini Atzeres & Simchas Torah
Wednesday, October 23 (Shemini Atzeres):
5:42pm: Candle lighting
6:00pm: Mincha followed by Maariv
7:00pm: Kiddush & meal in the Sukkah, followed by first Hakafos, Dancing with the Torah
Thursday , October 24, Hakafos, Dancing with the Torah:
10:00am: Shachris
11:30am: Yizkor
6:42pm: Candle Lighting
7:00pm: Maariv followed by Kiddush and main Hakafos, Dancing in the streets with the Torah
Friday , October 25 (Simchas Torah Day):
10:00am: Shachris
11:00am: Kiddush and Hakafos
12:00pm: Torah Reading
1:30pm: Musaf
6:41pm: Yom Tov Ends
For more information or questions, please call 312.388.7701